
Our Mission

Sunvillage is dedicated to the children of Chinese convicts and fights for their survival and development. We are a non-profit and non-govermental organization.

Who are the children of Sunvillage?

The children of Chinese convicts do not qualify for social welfare from the government. They get left behind by their parents without any money or education and worst of all, without any parental love. At the same time they can receive unfavourable treatment in society due to their family background. On their own, the children would be left without shelter: Some would work as shepherds, some would beg for money and food, and many would be abandoned and possibly abused by their relatives. Given this situation, its not surprising that some children may turn to crime, just as their parents have done. At Sunvillage, we accommodate these children before its too late and bring them into a stable and loving family.

The goal for our children:

Our ultimate goal is to raise our kids into independent, responsible adults. We want them to be able to start their own family, pursue a career and avoid the mistakes their parents made. We strongly believe they deserve the chance to make something out of themselves and out of their life.

We try to achieve this goal, by providing them with everything they need:

  • School education and teachers to help them with their homework
  • Healthy, nutritious food (Homegrown on our own fields)
  • General parenting (Teaching them what’s right, what’s wrong?)
  • Similiar social interactions like they would normally have, such as making friends, playing and doing sports

More than everything, we try to give them our love. However, it can never be enough to replace their parents. That’s why we try to reunite our children with their parents in prison as often as possible, either by visiting or by calling via phone.

The goal for our organization:

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Here at Sunvillage we deeply appreciate every donation we receive. We know to honor your gift and make the most out of it, it is best so strive for self-sufficiency, not only for our kids, but also for our organisation. With this in mind, we initiated several projects. Here just a few examples of our self-sufficiency efforts:

  1. To feed our children, we grow our own vegetables and fruits, such as dates and strawberries.
  2. Every Saturday and Sunday we hold a market at Sunvillage Beijing. We sell item donations that exceed our needs, homegrown flowers, trinkets our children made and also the surplus of our homegrown vegetables and fruits.
  3. We run our own restaurant and sell delicious Chinese food, based on organic vegetables. The restaurant opens on weekends and for large visiting groups.

All the money generated by our activities goes directly to the benefit of our children. However, as complete independence of donations remains an unrealistic scenario, we are still in need of funds. We appreciate everything you can spare. To get to know more about how we use our donations, click here.